Dear Friends,
I have received Happy Holiday calls, text messages and emails sending good wishes for 2021 which often ask me what I have been up to. This email connection will be a summary of what I want to share with you now. It contains links to how I have been focused since Sheltering at Home to stay healthy during Covid 19 since mid March.
Generally, I leave home five-six times a month-- two trips to the Super Market at 6 AM, two visits with my Physical Therapist, one visit to the hairdresser, and 1-2 visits for a mani-pedi, one visit for a facial -- always following the recommendations from The Center for Disease Control.
Special Announcement from Don Miguel Ruiz for the New Year.
I am attending All Faiths Seminary International which is housed in Manhattan, and is operating virtually. I will be ordained as an All Faiths Minister in August 2021.
I am studying The Course in Miracles. Get more information - click here.
I have taken this course on Mastering Being an Empath and have learned new information about myself and have been using it to counsel others. You can see the information on YouTube - click here.
I am following a program with Bright Line Eating. Discovering your susceptibility to addictive foods is the first step to permanent weight loss.
Don Miguel Ruiz, author of The Four Agreements, which dramatically changed my life and the lives of millions, is offering a course entitled The Path to Authenticity.
I have studied Healing of Collective Trauma with Thomas Huebl.
One of my favorite sources for news and current events related information is HEATHER COX RICHARDSON. She is an American History professor at Boston College, and she brings a unique perspective to the news of the day ... every day. You can follow her here.
I participate in a Zumba class with Julie Rich offered every morning at 9 AM on Zoom. Join Zoom Meeting at this link, or sign on with: Meeting ID: 896 0907 9711 Passcode: 121126
I am taking classes through Silver Sneakers.
I am working with Kevin Murray, Toltec Master and Business Coach who coaches from the heart.
I am enjoying the wisdom and meditations of Abraham Hicks.
I am sleeping with the meditations of Dauchsy Meditations on YouTube - Click Here.
One of my mottos is ... It is not good news till you share it. I am sharing this good news with you for 2021 with the intention of letting you know what I have been doing that has been good for me. I would enjoy knowing what you have been doing that has been good for you, as well. Sending love, Michele