Guided Spiritual Journey
Why Participate in a Spiritual Journey to Teotihuacan?
People who take spiritual journeys are often seeking to find out something important, like the purpose of their own lives, or perhaps even the purpose of all human life. Spirituality involves the recognition of a feeling or sense or belief that there is something greater than us, something more to being human than a body, mind, and sensory experience, and that the greater whole of which we are part is cosmic or divine in nature. Teotihuacan exposes the journeyer to a myriad of levels to discover and explore. A spiritual leader shines a light on Teotihuacan converting it from an interesting historical location to a deeply meaningful internal transformation.
A spiritual journey to Teotihuacan (the place where humans know themselves as Divine) opens the heart as an essential aspect of true spirituality. Teotihuacan built over 2,000 years ago, by people who referred to themselves as Artists of the Spirit, constructed this place of great beauty, magic, and power.
In its connection to light – the light of the Sun, as a place of transformation, we walk down the Avenue of the Dead, letting go of beliefs and ways of being that do not serve our humanity or our spirituality. As we surrender, our true nature emerges like magic revealing who each individual came here to be, and often who we have been in past lives. Each person who makes the journey is restored in his own way, and making the journey with a spiritual teacher creates even more enhanced results.
Each time, I have journeyed to Teotihuacan, I have shifted and discovered parts of me forgotten, stunted, and longing to know itself. Teotihuacan is not just an ancient city on a pile of rocks; it is a place of glorious creation where humans truly know themselves as Divine. Come with me, your spiritual guide, to know that place of home you have been craving to encounter.
TEOTIHUACAN, MEXICO - Future Dates to be Determined
A Typical Day at Teotihuacan
(all times are approximate)
7 AM Rise (Yoga, Labyrinth, Meditation)
8 AM – 10 AM (Breakfast, prepare for the day at the Pyramids)
10 AM – 3 PM (Activities at the Pyramids)
3 PM – 5 PM (Free Time)
7 PM – 9 PM (Teaching, sharing, healing activities, dancing, entertainment, art)
9 PM - … (Dinner, social time, free time, sweat lodge, Fire Ceremony)


From Lisa Rowe:
Just imagine the unfolding of life in a place designed to teach living--one moment, one step at a time.
A place where clarity arrives without the need of making sense of it. Teotihuacan is such a place. Guided by two Toltec Wisdom Keepers, Michele and Russ, I disabled my pre-programmed hard drive (mind) and followed my heart.
Each day I reunited with a missing piece, a lesson long buried or overlooked during the years searching for my Self.
One step, one stop at a time along the Avenue of the Dead I met grief and her allies.
I met anger.
I met fear.
I carried these companions to the top of the Pyramid of the Sun and descended weary.
And freed.
Teo was designed to teach and transform.
It did.
Returning to the Dreaming House each afternoon was a significant part of the discovery process. It was a safe place with healing energy and loving hosts/hostesses. Each day's work could find a resting place in my body and psyche with such a place to come 'home' to after our daily wanderings and wonderings.

From Richard Gadilauskas:
I didn't quite have the picture beforehand of what I was about to experience, how could you?
Each person's inner world will respond differently depending on where they are in their walk, and also, I feel, according to how much one puts into the experience.
I am glad I didn't go in with any preconceived notions; things unfolded sublimely because of this. Upon coming home, after a brief period of spaciness, I began to notice that I was finding it easier to focus on things I was doing in the moment.
I was also able to more quickly center myself and my meditations became deeper, and this has not diminished over time. I do know that it was definitely not something in the water, but it may have been the food-unbelievable.
Another big part of the whole journey was the conference calls before and after the trip.
Communing and sharing, especially after the trip as one is getting reoriented, to me was invaluable. This was another unexpected extra that made it something I look forward to doing again.
Definitely recommended.

Interview with Michele Laub, MS
By Marilyn Ball
Speaking of Travel
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